Thursday, April 5, 2012

If You Don't Like It...Throw It Away And Start Over..

It really doesn't matter what IT is.  If  you don't like it and it doesn't make you happy, throw it away and start over.

Well, it's really not that easy you say?  It really IS that easy. We as mere mortals make everything more complicated than it really is.  I think it started when GOD decided to give us free will. What was he thinking?

Well, along with all this free will that we have used to complicate our lives comes  the freedom to alter anything that we don't want or like.  Ah, free will is great isn't it?

So what's  it going to be?  What's going to make you happy?  Need to start
small and work your way up to bigger things?  No problem..

Don't like your hair color? Change it !! It's not called Nice and Easy for
nothing, you know.  Who knows, maybe you'll find your wild side as a
blond or feel more grounded as a brunette.  You'll never know until you
try.  It's a small change but if it will make you happy, hit the die aisle the
next time you go shopping.  Don't be shy.  No one remembers their natural
color anymore.

What about your weight?  We all have weight issues. Don't deny it..  Need to gain weight, lose weight.  You know what you need.  Never listen to other people who try to tell you what weight you should be.  If your not happy with your body get motivated and make the changes you need to make.  If you are happy with your body, that's all you need.  Please yourself first..

You can change anything. Whether it's your job, the people in your world or
your kids that drive you nuts... Ok, you have to keep your kids but maybe
you can fix them. You get the idea.

"Life is short" is not just a saying you slap on a tshirt or a coffee mug.  It's
a fact and we all deserve to be happy.  Yes, even the people we don't like
deserve happiness too...

So, if you don't like it,  can't fix it,  or it makes you miserable..

Throw It Away and Start Over.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Think I Broke My Husband

My husband and I have been married for 20 years and while I do expect some things to change, I'm beginning to get a little worried.

You know how it is, you have something for awhile, the warranty expires and it starts falling apart...

 I think that's whats going on here

There are things going on that no one warned me about.  I mean there's
always been a little bit of upkeep but really nothing too bad.  You get a few
odd noises and occasional strange smells but if your going to be around men
that's pretty much a given.  Who ever came up with air freshener had a man in mind when they did it. 
 No, that's not what's causing my concerns.  I've come to the conclusion that some of his parts are starting to fail. Not any of the important parts...but as a loving spouse I believe I should show unbiased concern for all his parts, regardless of their uses or potential benefits to myself. After all, what kind of wife would I be if I didn't worry about all of his parts equally?

  No, it's those other parts that have me concerned the most. They make noises now that they never use to make.  Creaking and popping noises.  It's like watching an old murder mystery and the door slowly,slowly creaks open.. it's a little unnerving really.  I mean, what do you do with them when they start making these kinds of sounds.

I really don't mind that his hair has turned to salt and pepper and to be honest
I may have had a hand in those gray hairs but I really don't think I caused
the whole falling out thing that's been going on up there.  On the bright side,
taking him to get his hair cut really doesn't take that long.

There is the issue of his forgetfulness that can be quit annoying at times but
as far as his memory goes, I really don't think  that thing was exactly iron clad from the start and I guess after all these years  there's going to be some seepage going on there.
He does remember the important things like my birthday, our anniversary and his address, so I guess I still have a few more years before I  have to send a search party to find him every time he goes out.

 My husband is really a good guy as far as husbands go.  After all these years,   he still opens my doors, holds my hand, tells me he loves me in front the guys, chases me around the house and gives me all his money. Not bad for an old guy.

I guess after everything is said and done, he's still the man I married regardless
of his failing parts.  After all, how much worse can it get?

 There is one thing that baffles me though ... Where do their
butts go??   It seems to be a mystery..